Friday, February 15, 2013

2013 Giving

brick pavement fighting against gravity , shady grey skies overhead, just the basic needs, the art of formation to find a perfect hide out away from all to note this.

lets put procrastination aside, whats really on your mind?

this year, not much at all is being asked. Giving would be the light term for what is aimed at for 2013. 
another year, another challenge. 
just by a glance from  Fromm's The fear of freedom, it states community is comes at a high price and indeed it is the individuals which has to pay for it. its realistically true. however, it doesnt matter what has the community has to offer, its what individual has to give and offer back to the community. one change can make a huge difference. 

in 2013, giving would be the core theme. no act of kindness however small is ever wasted. its better a blessing to be giving than receiving. whats to give?
many of us tend to avoid and hinder all the traditional principle of needs and wants. 
materialistic goods, those pretty pink sparkling shoes, the latest woven wallet, the newest samsung, seducing the eyes and mentality of oneself. the core expectation of that particular product doesnt last for a long period of time, we know that we observe and experience that, and yet it we never fail to succumb to such seduction.

similarly to love, would it be a need or a want? question for the day
what is that you would desire and would die for ?
tell me.

good night.

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